First, having a social get-together in the morning is a good idea. Several days ago I was invited to a friend's birthday breakfast. Birthday BREAKFAST? As in, 9:30 in the morning? Who lives like that?! I dragged myself out of bed at 8 this morning and thought I might die. Crawling into my closet I found it difficult concentrate on creating a cute outfit. I grabbed something colorful, pulled a ring out of my
Second, it really isn't a good idea to start a blog at 3 am. Frustrations are compounded, interests in certain backgrounds are exaggerated. Definitely don't do this and consequently stay up until 4:30 in the morning if you are also dead set on attending a sale at 9 the next morning. Especially if said sale is a teacher sale with so many other human beings in the store that you and your giant handbag can barely fit in, and you must then stand in a line behind several dozen people. Outcome: headache, nausea, and difficulty sticking to your teacher-sale budget.
Third: Rabbits can sniff out crayons even if they are in plastic bags inside of canvas bags on top of tables. It is uncanny and hilarious.