Friday, July 30, 2010

Life Lessons

I've learned several things in the past 48 hours which I will enumerate here.

First, having a social get-together in the morning is a good idea. Several days ago I was invited to a friend's birthday breakfast. Birthday BREAKFAST? As in, 9:30 in the morning? Who lives like that?! I dragged myself out of bed at 8 this morning and thought I might die. Crawling into my closet I found it difficult concentrate on creating a cute outfit. I grabbed something colorful, pulled a ring out of my enormous totally reasonable collection, and was pretty much ready. I got there without sleeping behind the wheel, and you know what? It was great! We could stay for several hours without being out too late, breakfast food is delicious, anyone with children could easily store them somewhere or just bring them- in short, I am now a fan of breakfast parties.

Second, it really isn't a good idea to start a blog at 3 am. Frustrations are compounded, interests in certain backgrounds are exaggerated. Definitely don't do this and consequently stay up until 4:30 in the morning if you are also dead set on attending a sale at 9 the next morning. Especially if said sale is a teacher sale with so many other human beings in the store that you and your giant handbag can barely fit in, and you must then stand in a line behind several dozen people. Outcome: headache, nausea, and difficulty sticking to your teacher-sale budget.

Third: Rabbits can sniff out crayons even if they are in plastic bags inside of canvas bags on top of tables. It is uncanny and hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, would love a breakfast party, should someone choose to ever invite me to one. Actually, we had one to celebrate one of my birthdays when I was a teenager once, and it was a lot of fun.

    BTW, I love you blog. I hope you'll write on mine too!
